1) $CRNX Phase 3 Primary endpoint met (15.97)
Stock Gapping UP +10.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $28 then look for quick 2-4 pt push to the upside then watch for topping then grind out, if this snaps $24 at the open and lower lows set in then look for nice 2-3 pt sell off or tad more then it will grind out then look for nice ATM offering after the close or within 24/48 hours.
2) $COIN another day of fun (82.09)
Stock Gapping FLAT do not long unless pop at the open to $82.50 then look for nice 2-4 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $79.50 at the open then look for nice 2-3 pt sell off or tad more then look for solid bottom curl bounce on it.
3) $QCOM Will continue to supply $AAPL SnapDragon Chips (106.14)
Stock Gapping up +5.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $114 then look for nice 2-4 pt push to the upside then watch for topping ideally would love small pop then snap to $110.50 then slow gap fill fader back to $107-$108 then look for nice bottom curl bounce slow all day move to the upside.
4) $SJM Buying Hostess for 5 Billion (141.58)
Stock Gapping DOWN -9.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $134.50 then look for nice 3-5 pt slow move to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $129 at the open then look for nice 3-5 pt sell off or tad more then look for nice bottom curl bounce.
5) $BGNE Gapping up nice this morning on Market (192.63) Thin stock look for some nice sell off towards the gap
Stock Gapping UP +15.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $208.50 then look for nice 3-5 pt more push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $206 at the open and lower lows set in then look for nice 5-7 pt sell off or tad more to the downside then look for decent bottom curl bounce, closer it gap fills more the bounce long.
6) $SMCI another day of fun (280.66)
Stock Gapping UP +7.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $289 then look for nice 4-6 pt push to the upside or tad more then watch for topping if this snaps $285.50 at the open then look for nice 3-5 pt sell off or tad more then solid bottom curl bounce slow move to the upside.
7) $META working on there own AI (297.89)
Stock Gapping UP +3.50 do not long unless pop at the open to $302.50 then look for nice 2-4 pt push or tad more to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $300.50 at the open then look for quick 2-4 pt sell off then solid bottom curl bounce on it.
8) $ADBE Earnings this week (560.36)
Stock Gapping UP +6.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $568 then look for nice 5-7 pt push to the upside or tad more then watch for topping if this snaps $564 at the open then look for nice 4-7 pt sell off or tad more then look for nice bottom curl bounce on it.
9) $NVDA another day of fun (455.72)
Stock Gapping UP +7.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $463 then look for nice 5-7 pt push to the upside or tad more then watch for topping if this snaps $461.50 a the open then look for nice 3-5pt sell off or tad more then solid bottom curl bounce on it.
10) $TSLA another day of fun Tier 1 firm puts a $400 PT on the stock (248.50) BIG UPGRADE from Morgan Stanley
Stock Gapping UP +15.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $267 then look for nice 5-7 pt more push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $261.50 at the open then look for nice 3-5 pt sell off or tad more then look for nice bottom curl bounce on it.
Extra Calls
$RTX PR/NEWS (83.48)
Stock Gapping DOWN -3.50 do not long unless pop at the open to $81 then look for nice 2-3 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $79 at the open then look for nice 2-4 pt sell off or tad more then look for nice bottom curl bounce.
$AMD another day of fun (106.09)
Stock Gapping UP +1.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $107.50 then look for quick 1-3 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $107 then look for quick 1-2 pt sell off then look for nice bottom curl bounce on it.
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