1) $I RBC out with a $66PT Buy Rating (Briefing.com) (32.88)
Stock Gapping up +.50 I like to see a pop at open to $34 area then scale in short and gap fill it to $32.80 and under watch for bottom curl and look to SWING this to $36-$37 over the next few days. would consider buying 38 Calls on it to hold for a week
2) $AMD Earnings Miss (23.50)
Stock Gapping down -$5.50 IMO this should short and pop at the open thru $20 on nice short covering. Then I like to see it top off then potential all day fader on it. But for now, focus on the rip out of the gat on short covering. for 1-2 points
3) $VNE Earnings Miss (38.31)
Stock Gapping down -$5 I like to see this pop at open small amount maybe a buck or 2 then top it off then look for an all day fader on it, if this pulls at the open to $28-$29 bounce it then look for a nice move 2-3 points on it then top it off and fade it again
4) $TWTR Earnings Beat BUT users are down see be aware (27.54)
Stock Gapping up +$4 Janni shorted this from $31.50 this morning, I like to see this pop a tad more at the open on a squeeze like to see $32-$33 then look for this to top off and fade off and gap fill to $29 and under on profit taking
5) $BUD Earnings Miss (82.25)
Stock Gapping down -$8 I like to see this pop a little at the open maybe we get thru $76-$77 on it then look for a nice slow all day fader on it, higher the pop at open look for it to fade. If this yanks at the open to $70 and under go long and bounce it 3-5 points
6) $MLNX Slight Earnings Beat (65.98)
Stock Gapping up +$7 I would take some SHORT at $72+ with room to add at the open then look for this to gap fill back down to $67 and under on profit taking and the market pulling then look for a nice all day slow move back to highs this typically dumps and gap fills
7) $XLNX Earnings Beat (69.04)
Stock Gapping up +$8 I like to scale in SHORT at $77.50 area room to $79 at the open watch for topping then look for this to fade off and gap fill back down to $72 and under for nice easy money
8) $ALGN Earnings Disaster Downgrades and PT still coming in (290.83)
Stock Gapping down -$60 would nibble a few LONG at $229-$230 area room to add on the pull if it comes I like to see some short covering right at the open love to see $240-$245 or more then look for it to sell off all day long on it
9) $NFLX Nothing more then just playing the bounces (301.83)
Stock Gapping up +$10 I like to see possible pop at the open with a nice sell off again, this time I think we see $299 and under, if it hits there, I will be a buyer all day long and bounce this, if the market pulls more, I expect to see $290 and under. This is going to be fun
10) $TSLA WOW!!! Congratulations to Levi and Jamey in the Option Room (288.50)
Stock Gapping up +$35 I like to see this pop a little more at the open possibly thru $330+ then look for a nice profit taking pullback to $305-$310 area or under, I think after initial squeeze this will sell of through out the day on profit taking once the market starts to come down
Notable Calls:
$GRUB Earnings Mixed (109.62) Gapping down -$11 I like to see more sell off at the open maybe we get $90-$92 on it if it comes then we bounce it 5-7 points on short covering, if this pops at open thru $105 I would consider leaning into it short for possibly all day fader on it, numbers are still coming out
$TLRY Gapping up +$9 (109.25) I like to see a nice pop at the open maybe we get thru $120+ then look for a nice downside move on it to $100 and under then bottom curl then look to go long on it, for Me I am a buyer on the $100 mark and under
$WLL Yesterday’s major sell off, today I’m going to try again with this Wells Fargo $67 PT sitting on the ask for 1000 shares at $36.30 like to see a 1 point rebound on this (36.25)
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