1) $PCG May just be responsible and liable for the CA Fires (32.72)
Stock Gapping down -$7 OK…… I like to see small pop at the open MAYBE touch $29 then I will be looking to fade this stock to lows, I don’t think this will hold up today and gap fill, I’m leaning more on the short side of the trade today. Seems news is getting worse for them
2) $EIX Gets hurt with $PCG (55.54)
Stock Gapping down -$5 like to see small pop at the open towards $54 if it comes then to me I’d like to bleed this out back to $46-$48 on it, so I will be watching the top and pull and fade, if this yanks at open like last time to $45-$46 I will bounce this for 3-4 points no doubt should be fun
3) $AMRS Earnings Miss (5.90)
Stock Gapping down -$1.90 like to see this get thru $4.90-$5.10 then top off then possible all day fader, ideally like to gap fill most of this and look for the fader on it so I will be watching the topping on it. More it pops better the fade, BUT if by chance this pulls again at the open then look for a nice play off the bottom around $4 and under
4) $CGC Earnings Miss (38.48)
Stock Gapping down -$4 would nibble a few long around $34 area let it pop at the open towards $36+ then look for this to fade off today, higher it pops better the fade for us, if this pulls at the open to $30 spot would long it and bounce it for sure
5) $EGBN will replace Insperity in the S&P 600 (49.25)
Stock Gapping up +$3 I like to see this pop more at the open like to get $54-$55 on it then look for a gap fill pull back to $50.50 spot or under then go LONG for all day move to the upside, love to see a pop BUT if this gap fills, no problem I’ll go long on it
6) $PETQ Earnings Beat (31.27)
Stock Gapping up +$2 like to see a little more pop at the open get thru $34-$34.50+ top it off then look to gap fill this back down to $32 and under then look for bottom curl then go long back to highs. Nice beat
7) $REZI Earnings Beat (21.26)
Stock Gapping up +$1.40 like to see small squeeze at the open maybe thru $23+ top it off then look to gap fill it back down to $21.70 and under look for bottom curl then look to go long back to highs, let this set up for us at the open if this yanks right at the open gap fills go LONG it will bounce
8) $GOOS Earnings Beat Raises Guidance (58.58)
Stock Gapping up +$9.50 like to see a squeeze at the open possibly thru $70+ then top it off then look to gap fill some and fade it back down to $62-$63 on it then bottom curl then move to the upside, Higher it pops better the short for us, so lets see how it opens
9) $TLRY Earnings Miss Lowers Guidance (111.55)
Stock Gapping down -$5 like to see small pop at the open $108+ gap fill it some then look for a nice fader on it, would love to see a pull at the open hard to $98-$99 then bounce it then look to fade the stock
10) $ARGX Can’t find any news but gapping up +$5.50 (92.44) Took a few short at $97
Stock Gapping up +$5.50 would like to see small pop at the open if it comes add into my short towards $99 area then look for some gap fill to $93.50 and under then bottom curl then look to go long the stock, Gapped up on air
Notable Calls:
$NFLX Gaping up on Market up (294.40) Gaping up +$4 like to see a little more push at the open towards 300+ then watch for topping then gap fill it back down to $295 area and under bottom curl then look to go long, think today if market holds this will get to $315
$NVDA Gaping up on Strong Market today (199.31) Gaping up +5 like to see a nice solid pop at the open maybe thru $206-$207 top it off then look to fade it and gap fill back down to $202 and under bottom curl then look to go long on it.
$ABMD (330.65) overnighted at $329.64 looking for a modest rebound today maybe we see $345-$350 on it, Market is strong today, stock has taken a huge beating last few days will play the open and see where she takes me.