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1) $ITCI FDA approves Schizophrenia drug (12.44)
Stock Gaping up +100% do NOT short unless this snaps $22 then look for a nice pullback to $16-$18 then bottom curl then slow move back to highs, if this pops at open through $28 stock should run to $30-$32+ then lets see if we get some topping on it for 2-3 point pullback

2) $APA and TOT agreed to jointly explore offshore Suriname (22.62)
Stock Gaping up 1.50 would take a few short at $24.50 room to $25.50 at the open once this snaps $24 and under let this gap fill back to $23 then bottom curl then slow all day move to the upside

3) $MNPR Lets see if we have 1 more day to play this (27.00)
Stock Gaping up +$1.00 lets see if this pulls at open to $24-$25 area then quick curl then push to $30-$32 then grind out, if this pushes right at open to same are watch for topping then slow fader back to $25-$27 and under Day 3 is normally pop and fade

4) $ARWR To join SP 400 on 12/23 (63.49)
Stock Gaping up +1.50 would like to see this push at open a little more to $66-$67+ then look for a nice 1-2 point gap fill pullback then slow all day move back to pre-market highs, if this snaps at open to $64 and under bottom curl it then slow all day move to the upside

5) $SRPT licensing agreement investment from Roche (126.17)
Stock Gaping up +12 would like to see this push at open to $142-$145+ at the open then look for this to gap fill to $130 and under if this pulls at the open at $130 and under bottom curl then slow all day move to the upside should be fun

6) $BABA Market Gaping up $BABA up (212.25)
Stock Gaping up +1.50 would take a few short at $213.60 room to $214.50 look for this to gap fill to $212.50 and under bottom curl then slow all day move back to pre-market highs

7) $NVDA Market Gaping up (239.37)
Stock Gaping up +2.10 would take a few short at $242 room to $244 at the open then look for this to gap fill to $240- and under bottom curl it then slow all day move to the upside

8) $NFLX Market Gaping up (336.90)
Stock Gaping up +3.00 would nibble small short at $339 area room to $341 look for this to gap fill to $337 area and under bottom curl it then slow all day move towards $340-$342+ on it

9) $BA CEO Stepping down (328.00)
Stock Gaping up +1.40 now halted should open and push to $335-$338 then small pull back 3-4 points then slow all day move to the upside towards $340+ or more

10) $TSLA secures 1.4 Billion Loan in China (405.59)
Stock Gaping up +8.50 would take a few short at $414 area room to $416 at the open then look for nice gap fill sell off to $407.50 and under bottom curl then slow all day move to the upside

Notable Calls:

$ADBE Market Gaping up (327.61) Gaping up +2.50 would take small short $329 area room to add on any pop at the open look for gap fill to $328.25 and under then bottom curl then slow all day move to the upside

$BXG Gaping up on NO NEWS NO MM’s on it yet (10.02) Showing +.92 cents on the ASK Like to see small pop at the open then full gap fill to $10.10 and under bottom curl then slow all day move to the upside


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