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1) $MTFB Receives CRL letter (10.07)
Stock Gapping down -$8 I like the $2.00-$2.20 spot risk to $1.75 I would add if it pulls below $2 if you simply be patient I see this closing around $3-$3.50+ on this trade. Be patient.

2) $HUBS Prices 1.7 Million at $165 Block Trade with Morgan Stanley (171.87)
Stock Gapping down -$8 I like the $163 area room to $160 then look for a bounce to $165+ I already nailed it at $163 so I will wait to see if it pulls below $161 and under and I will be another buyer for a bounce on the stock

3) $SWIR Earnings Miss (15.50)
Stock Gapping down -$4 I like this to pop towards $13-$13.50+ at the open then watch for topping on it then look for a slow all day fader on the stock. Should be fun

4) $FOSL Earnings Disaster (15.77)
Stock Gapping down -$3 I like to see shorts cover some at the open and push this to $14-$14.50 then all day fader on it, if this pulls hard at the open towards $11.50 area or under I would be a buyer on the name and bounce it 1-2 points to the upside

5) $YETI Earnings Beat (18.66)
Stock Gapping up +$2 I would like to see a little more pop at the open to $21-$22 area then watch for topping on then look to fade the stock and gap fill it to $19.25 and under on it, if it pulls at the open to that same area go LONG for an all day slow move to the upside on it

6) $YELP Earnings Mixed Citi out with a Neutral Call to $40PT (38.46)
Stock Gapping up +$1 I like this to small pop at open towards $40+ then watch for a nice fader on it, if this pulls at the open to $38-$38.50 and under I would be a buyer on the stock and bounce it 1-1.5 points (let this set up for us)

7) $SNBR Earnings Beat (35.86)
Stock Gapping up +$5 would take a few SHORT at the $40 level add on any pop out of the gate then look for this to gap fill at least 2-3 points to the downside on it. More it pops better the fade and with the market gaping down this should be a nice win to the downside for us

8) $SIX Earnings Miss (63.05)
Stock Gapping down -$8 I would nibble a few long here at $55 level room to $53 at the open then let it push towards $59-$60 on some short covering, if this pops at the open to the same are watch for topping then look to short the stock for a nice fader, more it pulls at the open better the bounce for us on short covering

9) $NTAP Earnings Miss (67.35)
Stock Gapping down -$6 I would nibble a few LONG at $61 area room to $59 at the open watch for the bottom curl looking for this to get to $63 maybe $64 top off then look to fade the stock, if this pulls at the open hard to $59 and under I would be a buyer on the name

10) $CYBR Earnings Beat (86.50)
Stock Gaping up +$14 I WANT THIS!!!!!!!! Conference Call still going on, I like the $102 area for a starter short room to $105 IF it comes, once this breaks $98 area we should have a nice sell off on this stock to at least $92 and under on Profit taking. Let it run a few points first on the short squeeze but this will sell off today, just need to be patient and we will nail it

Notable Calls:

$NFLX (351.77) Market should sell off today if you can get $351-$352 to short look for this to fade at least 4-6 points to the downside on the stock, should be fun either way

$ADBE (260.23) Market should sell off today, if you can get $260-$261+ at the open or in Pre-Market would look to short this for a nice 4-6 point fader today.

$SOLO (4.80) I like 1 more day in the name, if this pull at the open towards $5.25 and under watch for the $5.75-$6 Break out then look to go long and let this run to $7-$7.50+ today. Have fun


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