1) $MITO FDA Grants Rare Pediatric Disease designation (1.94) Nothing more than a pop/drop
Stock Gapping up +1.30 DO NOT BUY THIS CRAP unless you get a pop at open to $3.50 with serious buyer(s) then we push it hard towards $4-$4.50 then all day fader, if small pop at open and lower lows set in then look for all-day slow fade back down to $2-$2.10 and under
2) $TLRY Earnings Miss Big Time (15.35)
Stock Gapping down -2.25 like to see a sell-off on it right around $12-$12.50 then go long and bounce it to $14 then let it grind out, if this pops at all let it rip back to $14-$14.50 then we nail it for an all-day sell-off more it pulls better the range for us to the upside on the short covering
3) $WIFI Earnings Beat I see them mixed (11.90) Hallum things they get bought out $22 PT
Stock Gapping up +2.00 like to see pop at open towards $15-$16+ area then watch for topping then look for a slow gap-fill fade back down to $12.50 and under if this yanks right at the open to $12.50-and under bottom curl it then slow all day move back through pre-market highs
4) $ATSG Earnings Beat up thin (17.55)
Stock Gapping up +2.00 gapping up +2 like to see this sell-off at the open to $18 and under then watch for bottom curl then slow all day move towards $20 more this yanks better the range for us to the upside, if this pushes let it rip through $20-$21 top it off then slow fader gap fill back to $18-$18.50 and under
5) $MRNA One to watch on CoronaVirus (29.88)
Stock Gapping down -2.00 like to see this pull a little more around the $25-$26 area then let it rip, do not BUY this unless you get a solid buyer(s) around the $28 area then push it hard to $29-$30 top it off then look for the nice 2-3 point short on it, should be fun. I will be playing this on size once this gets going
6) $BYND Impossible Meats cuts prices for distributers by 15% (96.10)
Stock Gapping up +4.20 like to see small pop at the open towards $102+ top it off then look to gap fill this back down to $97-$98 and under at the open then bottom curl it then slow all day move to the upside, If this pulls and gap fills hard to $95-$97 bottom curl it then slowly move back through $100
7) ZM Gapping on more on Virus + Baird puts $120 PT (113.11)
Stock Gapping up +3 would nibble small short at $116 area room to $117+ at the open look for this to gap fill back down to $111-$113 and under bottom curl it then slowly move back to highs, should be fun stock has range
8) $NVDA In-Play today for possible more upside (276.43)
Stock Gapping up +2.00 like to see small pop at the open towards $280-$282 then watch for then the nice gap-fill pullback to $276-$278 and under bottom curl it then slow all day move to the upside, more this pops at the open better the range for us to the downside, if this yanks hard at the open and gap-fill to $276 and under bottom curl it and go long
9) $SHOP Nice gapper for this morning with range (488.40)
Stock Gapping up +14 like to see a little more pop at the open towards $507-$510+ then watch for topping like to gap fill this back down to $490-$492 and under then bottom curl it then slow all day move back to highs, more this pulls IF it does below $490 better the range for us to the upside stock has to range today better then $AAPL
10) $TSLA Gets an upgrade from JMP Securities $1060 says Buy the dip (743.62)
Stock Gapping up +62 like to see small push at the open towards $810-$820+ area watch for topping this is all about the gap-fill pullback bottom curl traders love to see $760-$770 and under and then let it get on its way to the upside, should be fun lots of range today 🙂 I’m happy
Notable Calls:
$TTD Gapipng up/down stock has range for us to play today, should be fun again (288.11) like to see quick push at the open towards $292-$294 top it off then look for gap fill back to $286-$288 then bottom curl it then slowly move to the upside., if this pulls hard to $285-$287 bottom curl it then slowly move to the upside
$SE Earnings Mixed beats on revs on guidance (48.04) Like to see small pop at the open towards $52+ topping around $53-$53.50 then look for a nice gap-fill sell off back down to $48.50-$49 bottom curl then slowly move to the upside should be fun today If this yanks and gap fills to those areas at the open bottom curl it then slow all day move to the upside
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