1) $JAGX Pushing up on Cholera drug development Pre-Clinical (7.46)
Stock Gaping up +$5 look for a little more push at the open towards $13.50-$15 area if it comes scale in small short let it break $11 spot then we slow fade it back down to $9 and under. I think this is all done to get a decent ATM within the next 24-48 hours they need the cash
2) $PRBV Small offering BUT BUT Amgen purchase 20 million Private Placement (13.79)
Stock Gaping up +$1.20 I actually would be a buyer here at $14 level add on dips cut it off at $12 imo this is HUGE news and should fly today so watch the open if $16-$17 comes fast be ready this could push to $20+ in a heartbeat, let it set up for us. I will chase if HUGE buyer comes in. If however this happens to flush and gap fill look for the buyer to come in and run this today
3) $NBY More range today from yesterday’s run Day 2 (3.10)
Stock Gapping up +$1.25 like to see small pop at the open followed by a nice decent gap fill profit taking pullback to $3.25-$3.30 and under once this begins to pull do size and flush it, watch for bottom curl on it I think we have 1 more run in it today before it collapses. If this at all pops at open to $4.75-$5.20 nothing more then a huge SHORT to take it down remember this was .31 cents yesterday
4) $GNFT Getting hurt on $CBAY data Phase 2 miss (23.87) $GNFT didn’t do anything wrong
Stock Gaping down -$4 this morning imo this is nothing more then BUY the weakness at $19-20 and look to move this back to $22.50-$22.95 or more, if this pulls at all at the open look for more range for us to the upside. I would love to gap $19-$20 if it comes or more at the open.
5) $LOVE Earnings Mixed (39.23) IMO this is STUPID being down so much
Stock Gaping down -$6 imo I would nibble some here at $33 level room to $32 if it comes looking for the stock to rebound back to $35-$36 this will NOT gap fill but at least come half way between close yesterday and the gap down today. More it pulls better the upside for us
6) $CREE Guides below Q4 Consensus (59.39)
Stock Gaping down -$2+ imo this should flush at the open to $55 and under before we see ANY kind of short covering, However if this pushes at open close to $58-$58.50 scale in short for an all day fader on it. This is bad news for $CREE and investors will punish the stock, imo nothing more then an all day fader to the short side
7) $LYFT Susquehanna out BIG this morning saying “Its time to buy the stock $80PT (56.76)
Stock Gapping up+$2 would actually nibble some long here at $58 level if this yanks at the open to $57 or $57.50 or under add to your position this should send the stock to $60-$62 on this call or more. With this kind of push from the analyst buying below $60 seems to be a bargain today
8) $GRUB Headline that $AMZN could be potential suitor to BUY $GRUB (64.70)
Stock Gapping up NOW +$3 was up +$7 I actually like this and it makes sense for AMZN to buy something like this, I think investors like it too, However if this pops at open to $70-$72 scale in short and gap fill this back to $66 and under, if this pulls hard at the open to $65-$66 bottom curl it then slow all day move to the upside
9) $CASY Earnings beat increased dividend (133.04)
Stock Gapping +14 I would nibble small short at $147 room to $150 at the open looking for this to slow fade to $136-$138 and under on profit taking. More it pops imo better the fade on it. This will NOT gap fill all the way imo but give us enough range it should be fun
10) $AVGO Signs nice deal with $AAPL supply agreement for 2 years (280.21)
Stock Gapping up +$12 like to see this push at open towards $293-$295+ top it off then slow gap fill back to $285 and under. Let it top off and show you, More it pops better the fade, if this starts to break at open $289 area look to short it to that $285 area bottom curl it then slow move back to pre-market highs
Notable Calls:
$BYND JPM Has had enough and slams a Neutral with $121PT (168.10) Gaping down -$24 I’d like to see small short covering pop at the open if it comes to $160-$165 top it off then look for all day fader, if this pulls at open watch the $135-$140 level for shorts to come in and cover 5-10 points. This is going to be fun today BUT You must use wide range and small size.
$MOTS Gaping up on FDA clearance to sell Camera (3.90) I like the news gaping up +.60 should pop and fade back to $4.10 and under, However. if BUYER comes in hits over $5.20+ stock should run towards $7 I will keep an eye on the BUYER so we can follow, if not simple pop and drop