1) $ZIVO Gapping up on NO NEWS/PR (2.80)
Stock Gapping up +2.90 do not long unless pop at the open to $7 then look for nice solid 1-2 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this small pops at the open and lower lows set in and snaps $5 look for all day slow gap fill fade back to $3.20-$3.40 and under
2) $EDSA Positive Phase 2 Datat for Covid-19 (5.88) Former runner
Stock Gapping up +3.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $9.75 with volume then look for the stock to push 1-2 pt with possible halt then watch for topping if this small pops and lower lows set in and snaps $8.50 look for an all day slow gap fill fade to $6.25-$6.50 and under
3) $WYNN another day of fun (83.29)
Stock Gapping down -3.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $80.50 then look for solid 1-3 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $79 look for slow sell off to $76-$77 and under then watch for bottom curl bounce on it
4) $AFRM another day of fund (116.28)
Stock Gapping down -8.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $110 then look for nice 3-4 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps at the open $107 look for solid 3-5 pt sell off then play the bottom curl bounce for a few points
5) $MRTX PR on Long term survival with Sitravatinib (174.05)
Stock Gapping down -7.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $175 then look for nice 7-10 pt push to the upside then watch for topping (stock is thin and has room so can go higher) if this snaps $160 at the open look for solid 7-9 pt sell off or more to the downside then watch for bottom curl bounce on it
6) $NVDA another day of fun (219.00)
Stock Gapping down -9.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $212.50 then look for quick 4-5 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $210 at the open watch for solid 5-7 pt sell off or more to the downside then watch bottom curl bounces on it
7) $COIN #BTC down Market down (245.19)
Stock Gapping down -12.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $234 then look for solid 4-6 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $230 look for nice 5-8 pt sell off or more to the downside then watch for bottom curl bounces on it
8) $UPST another day of fun (303.32)
Stock Gapping down -16.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $291 then look for quick 4-6 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $285 at the open then look for solid 7-8 pt sell off or more then watch for bottom curl bounce on it play the bounces
9) $SNOW another day of fun (322.80)
Stock Gapping down -10.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $314 then look for nice 6-8 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $310 at the open look for solid 7-10 pt sell off then watch for bottom curl bounce on it
10) $TSLA another day of fun (759.49)
Stock Gapping down -27.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $737.50 then look for nice 7-10 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $727 then look for solid 7-10 pt sell off or more to the downside then watch for bottom curl bounces
Notable Calls:
$MRNA another day of fun (430.05) Gapping down -15.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $418.50 then look for quick 4-6 pt push to the upside then watch for topping then all day fader on it, if this snaps $412 look for 7-10 pt pull then play the quick bounces but do not marry them
$BNTX another day of fun (359.18) Gapping down -14.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $344 then look for quick 4-6 pt push to the upside then watch for topping and all day fader, if this snaps $338 look for nice 7-10 pt pull then play the quick bounces but do not marry them
$FUTU another day of fun (95.62) Gapping down -6.00 do not long unless pop at the open to $90 then watch for quick 3-4 pt push to the upside then watch for topping if this snaps $88 at the open look for flush down to $84-$85 then bottom curl bounce it
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