1) $PTI license agreement with RHHBY (4.81) Former runner
Stock Gapping up +$1 watch for potential squeeze at the open towards $6-$6.50 then watch for topping then look for slow fader back to $5.10 and under let it set up if lower lows set up right away stock should fade but I like the pop first then the fade on it
2) $CLXT Goldman out with a $18 PT BUY Rating (9.88)
Stock Gapping up none, watch for pop at open to $11+ then look to short the stock gap fill it to $950-$9.75 area bottom curl it then look to swing it long if this pulls at open watch for those entries
3) $PCG Cali regulators open case over safety violations (26.01)
Stock Gapping down -1.5 any pop at open imo should be a fader to $23 and under on the stock today, if this pulls hard at the open watch the $22 level and look to bounce it higher this pops at open better the fade for us on the stock
4) $BBY BofA out with a underperform and a $50PT (55.37)
Stock Gapping down down -$4 already look for this to pop at open short cover to $54+ then watch for topping then all day fader on it, if this pulls at the open hard to $50 and under I would go long and bounce it for 2-3 points on short covering
5) $JACK Announce strategic operations to enhance shareholder value (80.33)
Stock Gapping up +$5 to me this is nothing more then a pop and fade so would nibble short at the $85 level room to $88+ if it comes top it off and look for the gap fill back down to $81.50 and under nothing more then a pop and drop imo
6) $CNC District court rules ACA unconstitutional (127.53) took a few LONG at $118.40
Stock Gapping down -$10 this stock is being defended big time so I will nibble some long here at $118 area room to $115 at the open think this will rebound back at least through $120-$122 if it comes at the open I will sell into the pop then possibly short and fade it for the day
7) $HCA District court rules ACA unconstitutional (126.73)
Stock Gapping down -7 would look for this to small pop at open towards $123-$124+ then top it off then look to fade the stock back down, higher it pops better the fade on it, if this dumps at the open towards $115 area and under I would be a BUYER on the stock and look to bounce it
8) $MOH District court rules ACA unconstitutional (131.72)
Stock Gapping down -8 points would like to see this pop at open short cover to $127+ then top it off then look to fade the stock back down to lows, higher it pops great for it if you took long but if market pulls this should fade some be careful I like the pop at open then fade. If this yanks to $120 and under I would be a buyer
9) $JNJ Still being punished this morning. Sold for -.75 loss rebought at $129.40 (133.00)
Stock Gapping down -$4 looking for at least a small pop to $133-$134+ then possible more fade on it, if get $133+ at the open I’m out, I will make up my .75 plus HOWEVER stock has room to $125 if this dumps at the open so be aware it has more room to go.
10) $NFLX Market dumping hard this morning (266.84)
Stock Gapping down -$2.25 to me any pop at open towards $268-$270 will be topping and look for this to sell off today would love to get to $255 and under, if market turns green on this then look for a nice push towards $275+
Notable Calls:
$BHP Gaping up on Buyback and increased dividend (46.16) Gapping up +$2 any pop at open to me this should and will gap fill back down to $46.50 and under on the market pulling so keep an eye as it sets up to fade if it pops at open watch for topping and nail it to the downside
$ARGX Goldman Puts on Conviction BUY list with $154PT (101.96) Look for small pop at open and gap fill this back down to $102 anything at $102 and under I would be a BUYER and load up look for stock to hit $110-$115 this week *****************SWING IDEA $110-$115+*****
$MRNA Swing Trade $18.49 (18.40) will add on weakness if it comes and continue to build my SWING position.
$SHOP still holding $143.79 average will add on weakness and look to be patient on it, looking for $145-$147 on this on a rebound if it comes