1) $HTBX Pumped and gapped this morning think this fills the gap before a play to leg up (2.14)
Stock gapping up +$1 would consider taking the short at $3.14+ should come down -.50 cents or more then llok or a bottom curl on it then if the volume and buyer is there I will find it and we can walk it up potentially to the $4.50-$5 spot once I see it come in
2) $KPTI Phase 2 B positive results Plus JPM giving an extra kick in it this Leernik out with a $24Pt (13.08)
Stock Gapping up +$3 I like everything on this, this morning BUT I need it to pop at open then look to gap fill it back down to $14 spot on it then look for bottom curl for slow all day move back to highs, I’m a buyer at $14 level so I’ll keep you posted on that
3) $IVAC Earnings Miss (6.55)
Stock Gapping down -$1.55 I would like to see a little more pull at open towards $4.50 and under then go long and play the scalp for .50 to maybe +$1 then look to re-short it, IF IF IF this pops at open on short covering to 5.75-$6 I would short it for all day bleeder
4) $IDTI Earnings Beat (27.83)
Stock Gapping up +$2.50 I would scale in some short at $29.90 area look for this to gap fill back down after intial pop to $28.50 and under then look for bottom curl on it the slow move back to highs, if this pops at open to $31 even better more room to come down on
5) $EFII Earnings Beat (27.70) I think this will gap fill imo
Stock Gapping up +$3.70 I would nibble some short at $30.50 area room to $31-$32 if it comes then look for this to gap fill and fade back to $28.50 and under then look to go long on it, if this pulls at open look for this to gap fill to same area then look to go long
6) $CGNX Earnings Miss (46.25)
Stock Gapping down -$6 would nibble some LONG at $40 with room to add at the open then look for the stock to rebound to $43+ on it before topping off and fading back down for the day higher it gap fills better the fade, if this yanks at 37-$38 I would be a buyer and look to bounce it
7) $TPR Earnings Miss (53.77) Formally Coach……..I said it before the moment they changed there name to Tapestry it was over
Stock Gapping down -$7.50 I like this to slow pop at open possibly we gap fill it back to $48-$49 on short covering then watch for topping then all day fader on it, if this pulls at open to $44-$45 area watch for bottom curl then go long and bounce it 2-4 points on short covering before going in short on it
8) $STX Earnings Miss (57.89)
Stock Gapping down -$3.50 I like to see if this pulls a little moe at the open towards $52-$53 area then look for bottom curl then play it back up for 2-3 points as shorts cover, if this pops at open it will be short lived and hit $56 and under then I would lean into ti short for all day fader
9) $AKAM Earnings Beat Mutiple upgrades from $80 to $95 (71.65)
Stock Gapping up +$2 I like the beat would prefer a little more pop at the open towards $74-$75 then watch for topping then gap fill it back to $72.50 and under then bottom curl on it then nibble some long for a slow all day move to the upside on it
10) $INGN Earnings Beat BUT up way to much so would be looking to fill the gap Multiple u/g Needham $215 190 Piper (140.58)
Stock Gapping up +$35 would nibble a few short at $175 level room o $180 at the open, stock is very thin so need to be patien looking for a gap fill around $155 level and under then look to go long on it. I like the beat alot, but up +35 is a little much so just watch the topping on it then we nail it.
Notable Calls:
$CTXS added to Goldman conviction BUY list with $122PT (102.71) Gapping up +$2 would scale in short at $104.50 add on any pop then look for a nice slow fader to gap fill back to $103 and under then go long on bottom curl