1) $BNTC IMO this is nothing more then a slow pop at open followed by an all day fader on it (3.00)
Stock Gapping up +$2 imo I would scale in some SHORT at $4.5 give it room to $5 at the open or tad more then watch for topping on it then look to fade it backs down and gap fill to $3.50 and under.
2) $BBOX I think this will quick pop and fade and gap fill back down to $2.25 and under (2.03)
Stock Gapping up +.70 think this pushes at the open then look for a pull on it and gap fill, so watch for topping I think there will be some serious profit taking going on short it to $2.20 then look to long it
3) $HUYA Gapping up on Market up (28.54)
Stock Gapping up +$1.25 would prefer a nice pop at the open maybe thru $30.50-$31+ then top it off and let it fade back and fill the gap and more would love for this to sell off after the initial pop
4) $IQ Gapping up on Market up (29.92)
Stock Gapping up +$1.25 would prefer quick squeeze at the open towards $32+ then top it off then look to fade it back down 1-2 points or more should be quick and fun
5) $PETS Craig Hallum out with $32 PT (42.62) I have a short on the bid at $41.87 NO fills
Stock Gapping down -$4 I want this, so I will wait for a nice set up on it. If this pops at open towards $41.50-$42 area I will short this for an all day fader to lows, if this yanks at open to $36-$37 I am a buyer on the quick bounce on short covering but in the end I want to short this, but need it to pop at open first before getting in
6) $KORS HSBC put a $88 PT on this (66.97) Trying to short this at $69.90 No fills yet
Stock Gapping up +2.80 I would love any pop at the open as a full blown short and gap fill this back down to $68 and under, and pull at open at $68 and under and we gap fill it add on dips then look for bottom curl then slow move to the upside If this pops to $70++ I am shorting this all day
7) $TTD Citi out with a raise to $114 from $94 (94.00) Pivotal JUST out per DTT with $58 PT going to leave along
Stock Gapping up +$1 think this pushes at open to $97-$98 then look for a quick pop and flush down to $95 and under then look for bottom curl then slow move to the upside all day long. I think $95 is a good entry with room to add at the open
8) $HELE Earnings Beat and raises guidance (101.95)
Stock Gapping up +17 I would like to see this pop at open and squeeze to $122-$125 IF we can get it, then lean into it short for a nice 5-10 point pullback, I think if you go now at $118.80 short you got to give it room thru $120+ then watch for the topping then profit taking should kick in and we get a nice 110 and under pull. If this yanks at open look for the $110 area curl on it.
9) $BIDU Key Banc out with a BUY rating and $305 PT Credit Suisse with $307 (357.48)
Stock Gapping up +7 Points, I would like to let this pop at open towards $260+ then lean into it short and look for the gap fill back down to $253 and under. BIDU tends to pop and fade its upgrades before a leg up. I like the call but would prefer the gap fill first before going long on it.
10) $NFLX Barclays out with raise to $450 (408.25) Nice work Levi on this from Thursday to today!
Stock Gapping up +8 I would like a little more push at the open would love to short this at $418 area and look to gap fill this back down to $410-$412 area then look for bottom curl on it then slow move to the upside just as long as the market holds up this should pop nicely out of the gate then I will nail the short side of it.
Notable Calls:
$BIIB Gapping up on Market no notable upgrades this morning(357.48) Let this pop at open see if we get $362-$365 on it at the open then look for a nice gap fill fade, I personally think this should fade off to $350 and under today, BUT wait to see if it breaks $358 at the open, What I want is a simple pop and fade on this on profit taking. Higher it goes at the open better the short for all of us
$CVNA 2 upgrades this morning Citi at $60 and Baird at $53 (47.17) TD has NO shorts tried this morning twice at $49+ look for quick pop at open maybe thru $50 then short this fast and gap fill it back down to $47.50 and under then look to go long this for all day slow move back thru$50+
$CTIC Phase 3 #FAIL Shocked this is still hanging up at $4.40 I took a few short myself at $4.50 this morning with room to add on the gap fill if it comes. Normally Phase 3 miss is the worst, but shorts are squeezing this up, so this may gap fill before coming down all day so I am going to patient and see how it opens (5.20) doesn’t seem too much risk at $4.50 imo but we will see
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